June 4th, 2014
We found a place to go where we would have cell signal, only 1 bar, but it is a strong enough bar to do what we needed to do. We chose Kerr Lake Recreation area, in Henderson, NC (
http://www.ncparks.gov/Visit/parks/kela/main.php), they actually have like 4 or 5 different campgrounds in this area, but we only drove through two of them before we found "A PERFECT spot"!! We first drove through the JC Cooper campground looking for a spot, while there we spotted.....
A white squirrel, pretty cool, I guess they are all over in this area of North Carolina
Anyways, we were about to settle for a tight, crowded spot in this campground, but then we decided we drive 4 miles up the road and check out the Nutbush campground, this is where we found the spot. This campground was not as full but had small, tight camping spots, then we headed into the back 40 where they have some tent sites with no electric, we picked out a spot with no visible neighbors, and plenty big enough for our rig, and 2 vehicles. We are not worried about no electric since we have the solar and the generators. We paid for 3 nights, we will stay here until we head on into VA for the rally.
And this is our view
Beautiful!!! We were so happy to have found this site, and we have cell signal, and we have no neighbors (for now anyways). We set up camp, and I made us some dinner, and we ate outside enjoying our awesome view
Shane practiced his seminar again, the we called it a night early tonight, we went inside and watched a little TV, then went to bed. The next day we got up, and went into town, I needed a couple groceries, and Shane decided it was time we pick up some fishing poles, since we are in the perfect little setting to do some fishing. Then I stopped at a small Farmers market and picked up a watermelon, and some strawberries (over priced, but fresh) then back to camp. When we got back we took Jemma for a walk around the loop the are camped in, it was nice, we didn't have to have her on a leash because there is not a sole here :), then back to set up our poles, and do some fishing
Shane was looking purty country in his hat, holding that fishing pole ;) he was having fun with it too
We fished for a few hours, it was the middle of the day, so not much was biting, but in the end I prevailed, and caught a prize fish....
Ok, Ok, so maybe not a "prize" fish, but it was the only fish we caught, so I was excited about it. I actually caught 2 that size... Winner, winner, big fish dinner!!!
After fishing we had dinner, and then a fire, and some wine :) Then on to bed
Today we were feeling a little rough after last nights late hours, and flowing glasses of wine, so we slept in, we woke up to the neighbors, some of the most serious rednecks i have ever "heard" in my life!!! They were fishing and catching catfish, and soooo excited about there catches, whoa! Anyways, after breakfast Shane wasn't feeling all that spunky so took a little nap, and I worked on a couple projects, did some computer work, then took Jemma for a walk down to the boat ramp

She just loves being able to play in the water, now that we are out of gator country i can allow her to do it, she runs in the shallow, splashes, and jumping, chasing sticks, digging at rocks she can see, she is having a ball at this campground! Then we came back, and I have been working on these blogs ever since ;) Shane got up from his nap, i made him a sandwich and he is feeling better now, so he is working on cleaning the rig. This will probably be the extent of our day today, cleaning up, catching up, and getting prepared for the rally. Tomorrow we will head out to Urbanna Va, where we will start our journey as a weigh team, wish us luck ;)
P.S. I didn't proof read any of these posts, so hopefully I didn't screw anything up ;)