Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Still moving on....

Wednesday June 18th
We are headed to Mill Creek Campground, in Berlin Center, Ohio, another COE campground, and we are hoping this will be a nice place we can stay a few nights at.  It has 3 different campground loops, so something should have the "IT" factor, you would think anyways.  When we get there, we find that the campgrounds are small, only a few have electric, and the place is flooded in almost every open spot, they had a ton of rain in this area and it is taking its toll on these campgrounds. 
We got set up just in time before the rain started, and hunkered down inside, and started looking for our next stop, UGH, another one nighter.

Thursday June 19th
Next stop... Harrison lake campground, in Fayette Ohio.  beings that we are coming into a weekend, we are going to have to just stay here through the weekend, and then head into Elkhart on Sunday.  They only had about a half of dozen sights available for us to choose from, but we found one that we thought to be suitable for our 3 night stay.

Jemma settled in and started chewing on our firewood ;)  That's how we know she finds it to be a suitable spot.  Nice campground with some trails, and even a little doggie beach for the dogs to swim and run off leash, that was a bonus!! 
we caught up on some work we had been putting off due to all the driving, had a campfire, and started preparing ourselves for the "weekenders" to come rolling in on Friday.  So we decided Friday was a good day to walk a few of the trails.  They are on a Lake called Harrison lake, a pretty big lake, and most of the trails were around it, so they were decent trails. 
They have a Dam here, and a trail that walks you over the top of it, and by another part of the dam

Then we realized that there is a whole other campground on the other side of the lake!!  Way less crowded, and had an awesome site that we could of had, dang, they never mentioned this to us when we checked in!!!  But we will keep it in mind for next time, this side had about 60 sites, and i think maybe 8 people over here.  Oh well, not worth packing up and moving now. 
Saturday we made a run into town to grab a few groceries, came back, and walked some more trails, had a fire, and went to to bed.  Sunday we head out to Elkhart :(

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