Tuesday, September 16, 2014

9/15/14 Shopping and i'm dizzy

This morning I woke around 7:30am to silence!  No idling trucks :) Nice.  I did some computer work till Jami was out of bed at 8:30 for her coffee.  We sat outside chatting some and playing games on our tablets.  Were in competition in a few games trying to get to the highest level.  She's winning as usual :(  A couple stopped by to turn in there paperwork to get weighed and pay the $60 charge for the service.  We went over the paperwork and made the necessary correction and they were on there way.  Once Jami's morning coffee was done around 11 :)  She left to do some grocery shopping at
Wal-Mart about a 1/2 mile away.  I decided to take Jemma for a walk around the campground and take a few pictures of the place. 
 Swimming pool area with a lazy river for people to float around on tubes
 The main office and our weigh site
 Convention hall & also where I will give my seminar Tuesday at 3pm about "Weight & Tire Safety"
My dream truck that's for sale.  Pipe Dream :)
During our walk I ran into Gary Wheeler from Mor/ryde in the pavilion near our campsite.  We met Gary the first time at a "Good Sam's Rally" held at Atlanta Motor Speedway in Oct. 2013.  We were there learning about RVSEF and deciding if we want to sign on to be a weighing team for them.  We've run into him a few times since, at other Rallies.   Once we learned the importance of RV weight & tires and what these RV's go through traveling down the road we knew that investing in the "IS" suspension and the Rubber Pin Box  to be installed on our 5th Wheel, would be well worth it.  It certainly isn't cheep at just over $6000 to have done, but it will pay dividends.  The first thing I noticed was how much breaking power the disk breaks have over the original drum breaks, 2nd the camper now seems to float down the road and then the Rubber pin box softens a lot of the chugging you can get on concrete roads.  So not only is it safer because I can stop much faster, but our camper will last much longer with the softer ride.  Mor/ryde has a 5th Wheel they take to shows that has well over 1 million miles on it.  Without that "IS" suspension there's no way a camper could hold up that many miles.  At least that's my opinion which is worth almost as much as you paid for it :)   
 My old axles with leaf springs & drum breaks
 New Mor/ryde axles with disk breaks

New Mor/ryde hitch/king pin
After Gary and I chatted for a bit Jami was back from Wal-Mart so I went back home to help carry the groceries inside.  We went over some of the other peoples paperwork that are getting weighed and filled in a few areas that were left blank.  That's the down side of doing weighing's before I've given my seminar because a lot of people don't know what some of the needed information is. or where to find it on there truck or camper.  Once they attend the seminar they will know where to find the information, and what it all means.  The information I'm referring to is weight ratings on the truck & RV, and information on the sidewall of there tires.
I then continued working on the "Campground Reviews" page.  Its ALOT of work and the reviews will begin to get much better now that I'm getting closer to the more recent ones.  If you have any suggestion's on how to make it better leave me a comment.  I doubt I will go back and change much of the ones I've already done, but I can improve on the ones from here on.
 Jemma with her toy while I was working on computer :)
Jami & I took Jemma for another walk, plus Jami wanted to stop by the pavilion and say hi to Gary Wheeler.  Once back we headed out for a bite to eat and stop at a liquor store for some wine.  We had to go into Gatlinburg for the closet liquor store and on the way there I realized why my head was beginning to spin.  Before moving into our RV fulltime we lived just outside the small town of Saint Cloud, FL.  There's no billboards allowed and store signs are kept small and can only be so high in the air.  Also we tend to stay in more county settings when we travel. It's been awhile since we've been in a busy town or a tourist town so driving down "Parkway" which is the main 6 lane road here. you are bombarded with large billboards and lighted signs flashing.  Everyone is telling you they are the lowest price anywhere "GUARANTEED"!!!!  Sure you are!  It's enough to make you dizzy :) 
Since we were out we drove by the next campground "Two Rivers Resort" where we're going Monday to do some more RV weighing for a Newmar Rally on Tuesday. It's only about 15 minuets away so it was a quick side trip and we know where our weigh site will be.
Once home, we got showers and prepared for a night out by a camp fire. 
While sitting around the fire my wife started laughing and laughing.  I wasn't sure what she was laughing at till she handed me her tablet and told me to read a product Review on Amazon.  I began reading and begun laughing so hard I had tiers down my face.  I have no idea if this is truly a real product review on Amazon or not, but with a little wine in me I found it hilarious.  Read it if you like, hopefully no one will find it too offensive.  Amazon Review    We called it a night at 11pm and headed inside for bed.

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