Friday, October 24, 2014

10/21/14 Greers Ferry Lake Dam Site Park. Heber Springs, AR

WOW, did 4:30 this morning arrive fast!!  Actually i was up at 4:20 to get ready for today and Jami was up at 4:50.  The reason we needed to be up so early was to be at Workampers office by 6:30 to help transport supplies from their office to the community center where the Workamper Rendezvous is being held.  The first thing i did was to get yesterdays journal posted, then we had to convince Jemma to get out of bed and go outside to do her morning potty.  Yea, that wasn't an easy task.  We finally got that done, ate some breakfast and headed out the door by 6:15.

We arrived before most of the other volunteers so we hung around waiting for some direction of what we needed to do.  Once everyone else arrived they first went over the morning schedule and did a practice run of a short skit they were performing to help lighten the mood and get people laughing.  I was laughing just watching the practice run.  Once that was finished we all loaded all the needed stuff in everyone's vehicles and drove just down the road to the community center where we then began unloading everything onto carts.  There was only 4 carts so we would load them, wheel them inside and into the elevator and then unload them on the 2nd floor, then back down to do it again.  It took about 30 minutes to get everything inside and then we began organizing and setting up display tables and such.

From there the attendees began pouring in, i think 227 of them :)  Our job to take pictures of everyone as the arrived with their name badges on.  Then the caterer brought in breakfast for everyone.  The Workamper people and some volunteers began their "break the ice" skit.  It was hilarious and did a great job of getting people to loosen up and laugh.  Once that was over Steve Anderson, owner of Workamper began going over how things were going to work, scheduling of the seminars and other stuff.  Once that was finished the numerous seminars started in 4 different rooms.

We decided to attend the "8 steps to finding a job" seminar.  It was an informative seminar and we picked up some interesting information.  After that it was time for lunch which Workamper was providing so we made our way to the food and had a delicious lunch.

We went home to let Jemma outside to go potty, Jami stayed home and i went back to attend a seminar to help understand our Healthcare options in the future.  What a confusing mess healthcare is.  After that i went home to join Jami.  Jami was working on a map to give the people that signed up to get weighed to make it easier for them to find our weigh site at the Holiday in.

We took Jemma on a nice long walk before Jami began dinner.  the remainder of thew evening was spent inside watching TV and going to bed around 9pm :)

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