I was up at 6:15 this morning to get ready to start our day of weighing RV's. Our first appointment was at 8:00 at the Holiday Inn parking lot about 5 minutes up the road from our campground. After that one weighing there was a gap till the next weighing at 10:00 so i let Jami sleep in a little while i went to weigh the first one at 8:00 by myself. I should receive good brownie points for that :)
On the way i stopped and picked up some doughnuts for the people at Holiday Inn for letting us use their parking lot. I arrived at 7:30, went inside to drop off the doughnuts and began getting set up for my 8:00 weighing. They showed a little early so i got them weighed and went over all their numbers before 8:00. I loaded everything up and headed back home. I arrived home just as Jami was getting out of bed. We chatted a bit and got on our tablets till it was time to leave. Knowing that our 10:00 weighing would probably be early we headed out at 9:20. We were set up and ready by 9:40 when RV's began showing up. The line only got behind once with 2 people waiting, but it was only because they showed up early. We got everyone weighed before their scheduled time and even squeezed in an add-on that just showed up.
We finished up and got back home around 1:30, but we still had one more lady in our campground to weigh today. I walked over to her campsite to let her know we were back and to help her find the weight rating on her RV. She is a new solo RV'er and i always admire the courage of single woman to not let being single stop them from living this wonderful RV lifestyle. She pulled her motorhome out onto the main road in front of our campground loop while i walked back to our campsite to get our truck and meet her on the road. We unload the scales and got her weighed, she also paid to have her car weighed that she tows behind her motorhome so she went and parked her motorhome and drove her car back. We weighed the car and then we both went back to our campsites. I printed out her weigh report and tire charts and walked over the her place. I alway spend a good amount of time with each person we weigh going over the weighing number to make sure they understand everything, but when it come to solo female RV'ers i always spend extra time going over their numbers making sure they fully understand why their RV may be heavier on one side or the other, how they can help correct it if its excessive, what air pressures they should have in their tires and why. I have found so far that most solo female RV'ers really want to not only learn what to do, but want to understand why. I get so inspired that i cant help myself but to spend the extra time to make sure they completely understand everything and why, plus they are always so thankful and appreciative that they make me really feel great inside that i made a positive difference. It's such a blessing.
Once that was all done Jami and i took Jemma for a long walk though some closed campground loops and down to the lake. We were probably walking for a good hour before making it back home around 5:00. We were speaking with our neighbors in the campsite next to us two days ago who is from New Jersey, when it came out that i lived in NJ for awhile we some how ended up talking about Pork Roll. Pork Roll is only really known in NJ and NY to my knowledge, so for those that don't know Pork Roll, it's also known as Taylor Ham. Click the link if your not sure what Pork Roll is. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pork_roll
It just so happened they had a big roll of it in their fridge so they invited us to dinner tonight to have egg, cheese & pork roll sandwiches. Oh was that an immediate YES, we'll be there!!! It's been over a year since the last time I've had any cause it's hard to find unless your in NJ and it can be a bit pricey if you do find it. We walked next door at 5:30 and meet another couple that was invited too. they were from Canada and had never heard of Pork Roll so this was a first taste for them. Everything was cooked outside on a griddle and with the smell and sizzle of the pork roll cooking it was all i could do to not snatch one off the pan and eat it. But i made it till everything was ready and volunteered to be the first one to make their sandwich :) OH MAN was that soooooo good! It first started attacking my sandwitch, and then realized it may be another years or more before i get pork roll again so i slowed it way down and enjoyed it for as long as i could. Once finished, but craving more i glanced over at the griddle, and to my surprise i saw a slice of pork roll left, Hmmm, i think i'll allow myself to take that. Down the hatch :) Usually i will never take the last food item on the table thinking someone else may want it, but when it comes to pork roll it's every man for himself :)
We then all sat around a fire and chatted till about 8:30 when we all called it a night. We went home to get showers and i finally was able to get caught up on the journal. We called it a night and went to bed around 10:30. Tomorrow we have 3 more weighings scheduled in the morning and then we have to get the rig packed up and hit the road. We have no idea where were going tomorrow, the only thing we do know is it will be in the direction of Florida.
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