Friday, September 19, 2014

9/18/14 A little work with a little fun

Well, today I actually sleep in a bit, 8:40!  Of course it was a little after midnight before we went to bed.  Jami was up about 15 minuet's after me waiting on coffee to finish brewing.  I think she grabbed a cup before it was done :)  We sat outside enjoying the  brisk temperatures.  I know from friends and family in Florida that its been HOT down there.  We had some breakfast and made sure everything was in order for weighing trucks today.  One gentleman stopped by to make sure he knew when and where we were going to be to get his truck weighed. 

Around 11:30 we jumped in the Toyota and drove up to the front of the campground to the weigh site and got set up.

Just as we finished getting set up the first Truck arrived to get weighed.  We got them weighed, collected the $60 fee and helped them finish filling in some of the needed information on the paperwork.  The paperwork or "Homework Sheet" we call it is very important.  We need to know all the weight ratings on the truck and on the RV so once we weigh them we can let them know if there are any major concerns and if they are exceeded any of there ratings.  Our organization "RVSEF" started weighing RV's in 1993 and has weighed over 40,000 of them.  As of now 58% of all the RV's weighed exceed 1 or more of there weight rating.  A lot of times we can make suggestions to fix the problem or at least to help manage the situation and sometimes it can be so bad there is no way of fixing the problem without either getting rid of ALOT of stuff, needing a bigger truck or even BOTH.  It was an easy day with only about 7 trucks showing up, but tomorrow will probably be a little busier.  Once it was 2:00 we packed up and head back to our campsite to get some lunch. 

Once we ate lunch we jumped back in the truck to drive over to Patriot Park in Pigeon Forge.  I couldn't help but to take a pictures of the Smokey Mountains in the distance on the way. 

Its a nice park with a memorial for those from this area that were lost in war.  It also has 50 state flags lining the 1/2 mile paved walking path around the park with a date on each flag poll noting when they joined the union.  At least that's what I believe the date meant. 

 Florida State Flag

I must make a comment about people that do not pick up after there dogs.  While walking the 1/2 mile loop around the park we walked down a slope to the river, Well, this is where I about fell down and threw my back out when I stepped in, (yep, you guessed it) a slick pill of poo!  Needless to say I was a little more than upset at the person who didn't pick up after there dog.  After gathering myself up I limped down to the river to wash my shoe.  We've even seen poo left next to a provided trash can with dog poop bags being provided.  It's sad how the select few can ruin it for the majority, of course that statement reaches a lot farther than dog poo.  Before going fulltime in our RV we used to be avid 4 wheelers.  We loved taking our 4 wheelers to places to ride and we began noticing a lot of places no longer allowing it due to the few that veer from the trails and damage vegetation or trash the place with all their empty beer cans and garbage left behind.  Sad! 

Once we finished walking the 1/2 mile loop we decided to drive to "Sevierville City Park" that sits along the Little Pigeon Forge river which I now know is the same river our campground is on.  We walked around for and hour or so enjoying the scenery of the river.

We drove back home and Jami started making dinner.  Just as she was finishing up we received a phone call from Walter Cannon.  He is the executive director of RVSEF, in other words out boss :)  It just so happens he's traveling in this area attending other RV events and giving seminars.  He's camped at our next stop Two Rivers Resort where were weighing RV's for a Newmar Rally Tuesday.  So after dinner we drove over there to visit for awhile.  Being there here they offered to help us weigh RV's, Nice!  While visiting them a lady walked over and inquired about getting her 45' motorhome weighed tomorrow, being it fit in our schedule we agreed to come back tomorrow morning to weigh her.  She is a single solo RV'er since her husband passed away a year ago.  It's nice to see her continuing to RV.  It was almost 10pm when we left for home, on our way home I noticed the odometer on our Toyota truck turning 36K.  Out of warrantee now :)  Once home we both got showers and went straight to bed

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