Monday, September 22, 2014

9/21/14 Early start to a work day

We wanted to be out of bed no later than 6am to make sure we had plenty of time to be ready for our first weighing at 7:15 so I set the alarm clock to go off at 5:30.  No sooner did I fall asleep, and the alarm clock was going off, or at least it felt that way :)  I was out of bed by 5:40 and Jami wasn't far behind at 6am.  It almost never fails that who ever is scheduled first, shows up way early and is waiting at the weigh site for me to arrive.  So I drove to the weigh site just before7am to get set up and to my surprise no one was there waiting.  I started setting up and Jami arrived with Jemma, they walked.  We were fully set up and waiting for the first weighing to arrive.  They arrived right on time and the weighing began.  Walter & Amy Cannon arrived at 7:30 to help us out.  All but a few showed up right when they were scheduled so we never got behind or had a long line :)  It was a mixture of people well within their weight ratings, and those that were exceeding a few.  We found something wrong on the suspension on one trailer, the weight reading looked off so we moved him and re-weighed him again to be sure. Yep, it weighed the same so something was wrong with the passenger side front tire/suspension because that tire was carrying twice the weight as the one behind it.  They have Mor/ryde suspension which is a rubber suspension, so they may have a tear in the rubber spring.  We had 1 that was exceeding EVERY rating but 1 on the truck, and EVERY rating on the trailer.  OUCH!!  We had 1 motorhome that was pulling up, and noticed us so he asked if he could get weighed, Sure!  He was in great shape, just need to add air to the front tires and lower the air in the rears.  We finished up the 11 weighing's we had scheduled plus the 1 motorhome by 12 and were packing up.  Walter & Amy went back to there motorhome earlier around 11 to meet some friends of theirs. 

We went home and started eating some lunch when Walter called and invited us to join them and their friends at Applewood Farm House Restaurant for lunch and then to visit the Apple Barn Winery just behind the restaurant.  Well, we weren't that hungry since we just ate, but what the heck, we could use some more wine :)  So we accepted and met them there.  We ordered light, the food was pretty good and the service was okay.  After lunch we walked over to the winery to sample the wine.  I found a Cabernet wine that I liked, and Jami found a couple White wines she liked, so I ended up leaving with 1 bottle and Jami ended up with 3 :)  There was a couple other shops there so we all browsed for a bit.  It was going on 4pm so we all went to our vehicle's to leave, Jami & I needed to get home to get some of todays paperwork finalized and Jami needed to create an information page for her Origami Owl jewelry to email to Steve who is heading up the Nemar Rally at Two Rivers RV Resort, where we've  also been weighing rigs the past few days.  Steve invited Jami to set up a display of the jewelry Monday (tomorrow) early evening in the campgrounds office lobby for the women at the Rally to look at and hopefully make some purchases.  Thanks Steve!

We got everything completed around 5pm so we drove over to Walter & Amy's campsite at Two Rivers to join them and their friends Don & Deanne to taste test our earlier wine purchases :)  The conversation flowed nonstop till just before 8pm when Don & Deanne needed to leave to drive home which is a little over an hour away.  We departed soon after and headed home to get showers and watch the NASCAR race the we had set to record on the DVR earlier today.  What a full day it was today, some work and some good times with friends.  We love this lifestyle! 

I do have to say though to anyone debating about traveling and living in a RV fulltime that's it's not always sun & roses out here.  There are those boring and/or frustrating days, things that need fixing on the RV or truck.  Trying to find your next campsite can be a challenge sometimes or the disappointment when you had high hopes for a campground to arrive and find it's not your cup of tea.  But the beauty of the lifestyle is the ability to move on, adapt or whatever to keep the dream going.  we love it, but understand it's not for everyone.  The most important thing is you better be best friends with your partner, you may love them, BUT you better also LIKE them!!  ALOT!!!  Luckily Jami & I are best of friends!!!!!  Now you may be scratching you head thinking "Of course if I love them I must like them"  OH NO my friends,  there is a big difference!  Spend a lot of time with your spouse in a small place like an RV (400sq feet) for at least 1 or 2 months, then you'll have a better idea what the difference is :)  There are tricks you can use to help this out, if your interested in some of them that we have learned living the past 2+ years in our RV let me know in the comment section.  If I see enough of a response of people wanting to know I'll make a separate post on the subject.

It was almost 9pm before we were ready to sit down to watch the NASCAR race.  LETS RACE!! :)  The second half of the race was pretty exciting and we thought the driver we were cheering for had a chance to win, but then he was crashed towards the end of the race.  We headed for bed at 11pm exhausted.   We only have 5 RV's to weigh tomorrow and we don't need to be there till 8am.  We don't have scheduled times for the weighing's tomorrow, we just told them we would be ready at the weigh site between 8 - 12. 

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