Sunday, September 21, 2014

9/20/14 Work day with a little fun mixed in

Welp, today we had a weighing at 9:30am so I was out of bed at 7:30 and Jami at 8.  We did our normal sitting outside chatting while she was reading & updating Facebook, both hers and "Bubba Ropes".  It wasn't long before 9:15 rolled around so I drove the truck up front to our weigh site while Jami walked Jemma there.  I was pretty much set up when she arrived and the person who we were weighing walked up to be sure we were ready for him.  Just after 9:30 he arrived and we got him weighed.  Everything looked pretty good, he did need to adjust some air pressures so he will be within all his ratings.  We went back home and hung out waiting till it was time to go back up front for our 12 O'clock weighing.  Well, we were there just before 12, but the person we were weighing didn't show up till 12:30, oh well.  We got them weighed and they too looked pretty good, they were maxed out on an axle rating on the trailer, but at least not exceeding it. 

Once done we went back to our camper to grab a few things and headed out to the "Smokey Flea Market".  One there we parked and started walking around.  1/2 of it is outside and the other 1/2 is inside so when Jemma would begin to get too hot we would go to the inside portion, once she cooled down we headed back outside :)  We spent about an hour or so there and picked up some local honey.  Jami loves good honey.  We then headed over to "Two Rivers RV Resort" to hang out with Walter & Amy Cannon (our bosses) till our 4pm weighing arrived.  Well, he saw us pull in so he walked down to see if he could come early, Sure.  Apparently we had 4 or 5 to weigh there today, news to me, I thought it was 3 :)  No problem, we got them all weighed as they arrived and had plenty of down time in between to hand out and chat and get to know some of the "Newmar Rally" attendees.  What a great group of people.  I will tell you that you will never meet nicer people than RV'ers.  Of course there's always that exception, but most will go out of their way to help a fellow RV'er. 

Walter and I went over to one of the rigs we weighed that had bagels with about 6 choices of different topping to put on them out for everyone in the park that wandered by.  It will take him a week to get rid of that many bagels .  There was about 8 people chatting it up over there so we hung out for 15-20 minuets talking till we figured we better get back to the wives.  When we got back I got the feeling we weren't missed :)  We chatted on and on till we looked at the time, 8pm!  We need to get going, we both need to take showers and get to bed at a decent hour.  We hit a drive thru AGAIN for dinner and headed straight home.  Jami took her shower first then my turn.  It was 9:45pm by the time that was done so we watched a little TV to wind down and then it was off to bed by 10:30pm. 

Our first weighing tomorrow is scheduled at 7:15am so we to be up by 6:15 to be ready in time.  We have 11 weighing scheduled tomorrow between 7:15 and 11 so it will be a pretty busy day.  Luckily Walter & Amy are going to come over around 8am to help out.  Their help is very appreciated!

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